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Public Groups

Public Lectures




University Departments







  • Digital Humanitites at Glasgow University - Digital Humanities is research and teaching in the humanities using digital methods and tools. In the University of Glasgow we think of the humanities as the disciplines studied in our College of Arts: language, literature, history, history of art, philosophy, archaeology, music, film, theatre and television studies and theology. These subjects are grouped in the Schools of Critical Studies, Culture & Creative Arts, Humanities and Modern Languages & Cultures.





Research Groups


  • Time-Tastical Productions - Science Communication & Show Production. Science communicators specialising in communicating difficult science to the general public.


  • Academic Blogs - A network of research blogs at University of Glasgow
  • Naturally Speaking Blog - A science pod-yssey brought to you by the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine at the University of Glasgow. Naturally Speaking is first and foremost a podcast covering cutting edge research and light hearted ecology banter. We have invited blog posts and podcasts from researchers across our Institute and also visiting speakers. We’ve got a little something for everyone.
  • End of Life Studies Blog - The University of Glasgow End of Life Studies Group was founded by Professor David Clark in 2014. Our members are academics from the University of Glasgow and related research projects worldwide. Our staff and guest bloggers use this blog as a platform to express opinions and publish updates about our end of life research projects and case studies. We also blog about end of life publications, policy, doctoral studies, educational resources, events and cultural activities.
  • ihawkes: Institute of Health and Wellbeing Early Career Researchers' Blog - IHAWKES is a network of postgraduate research students and early-career researchers at the Institute of Health and Wellbeing (IHW), University of Glasgow. Our name, IHAWKES, is an acronym for Institute of Health and Wellbeing Knowledge Exchange Students.
  • School of Culture & Creative Arts Blog - This blog showcases research and cultural activities at the School of Culture & Creative Arts, highlighting the wide range of events, publications, and projects in which our community of students and staff is involved.
  • Textile Conservation at University of Glasgow - The Centre for Textile Conservation and Technical Art History was established at the University in 2010 and has since become a thriving environment for teaching and research. The blog is a dynamic platform for the staff and students in Textile Conservation to share some of their wide ranging experiences throughout the academic year
  • Knit History at University of Glasgow - Knitting in the Round: Hand-Knitted Textiles and the Economies of Craft in Scotland. This network will develop collaborations between a range of sectors: business, heritage, education, tourism and culture and arts; and will explore how historical understandings of knit as an economic, creative and cultural practice inform modern and contemporary uses of this textile practice. Knit is the pin-up craft for sustainability, creativity and authenticity.
  • Glasgow Medical Humanities Blog - The Glasgow Medical Humanities Network brings together and enhances medical humanities across universities and collections in the city of Glasgow. Please explore our website and blog to find out more about what we’re doing.


Past Conferences/Events

science.1652828424.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/17 23:00 by admin