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-====== Quizzes ======+====== Quizzes ​in Glasgow ​======
   * [[https://​​ewanspubquizzes/​|Ewans Pub Quizzes]] - //Run by a well known face in the Glasgow pub and music scene, Ewan MacLeod runs a number of quizzes all over the town, including 1051 GWR on Tuesdays and Garvie & Co. on Thursdays. //   * [[https://​​ewanspubquizzes/​|Ewans Pub Quizzes]] - //Run by a well known face in the Glasgow pub and music scene, Ewan MacLeod runs a number of quizzes all over the town, including 1051 GWR on Tuesdays and Garvie & Co. on Thursdays. //
   * [[https://​​|Sir James - Glasgow Pub Quiz]] ([[https://​​sirjamesquizglasgow/​|Facebook]]) - //Glasgow based Pub Quizmaster//​   * [[https://​​|Sir James - Glasgow Pub Quiz]] ([[https://​​sirjamesquizglasgow/​|Facebook]]) - //Glasgow based Pub Quizmaster//​
 +  * [[https://​​pub-quizzes-by-area/​glasgow-the-west/​|Pub Quizzy: Glasgow & The West]]
 ===== Weekly ===== ===== Weekly =====
quizzes.1594672098.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/13 20:28 by