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Politics in Glasgow

  • See also Campaigns
  • The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow Uni - The real Glaswegian working class voice in the independence debate read by thousands, the BBC and other related media, secured the first criminal conviction against one of the seven top cybernats outed by the Daily Mail



  • Scottish Peace Network - The Scottish Peace Network is a network of groups in Scotland coming from a variety of different traditions which are united in opposing militarism and share a common vision for a peaceful Scotland focusing on what we as a society have done, and can continue to accomplish, though cooperation, collective action, and peaceful means.
  • Justice & Peace Scotland - The National Commission for Justice and Peace advises the Scottish Bishops' Conference of the Catholic Church in matters relating to social justice, international peace and human rights, and promotes action in these areas.


  • Glasgow Anarchist Federation - The Anarchist Federation was founded as the Anarchist Communist Federation in March of 1986. We describe ourselves as anarchist communists and revolutionary class struggle anarchists, and operate as a membership organisation. The links below take you to the main federation site, where you can find out more. We would encourage all those who agree with the information to contact us about joining the federation.
  • Radical Glasgow: Annarky's Blog - Views and Poetry from an Anarchist Perspective]
  • Strugglepedia - Glasgow's working class history is a history of struggle and sacrifice not found in the school curriculum. The establishment would rather we forget our own past and deny the suffering and sacrifice of those who created that history. This site is dedicated to remembering and recording their selfless struggle for a better life for all.
  • Annarky1's Blog - Views from an old wrinkly anarchist (last updated 2013)
  • Common Weal - Common Weal is a people-powered think and do tank in Scotland. We develop policy on and campaign for social and economic equality, for wellbeing and the environment, for quality of life, for peace and justice.
    • Common Weal Glasgow - We meet once a fortnight to discuss Scottish politics - current and future forms an independent Scotland might take. We also plan and hold public events with a variety of speakers and aim to encouraging involvement in local and Scottish politics.
  • Extinction Rebellion Glasgow - Extinction Rebellion Glasgow is a part of the Extinction Rebellion Scotland: a non-violent direct-action movement formed to take urgent action in the face of climate emergency and ecological catastrophe, as part of the global justice movement.
political.1663626293.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/19 22:24 by admin