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political [2022/09/19 22:24]
political [2023/05/14 23:58] (current)
admin [Anarchy]
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 ===== Anarchy ===== ===== Anarchy =====
 +  * [[https://​​|Red and Black Clydeside - Bookfair & Gathering]] - //The event is a showcase for the libertarian left and beyond in Glasgow today. This will largely be a collection of Glasgow/​Scotland-based groups but with others coming from England, Ireland, and elsewhere. As well as talks, discussions,​ and stalls, we are providing a long overdue chance, curtailed by the pandemic, to mingle in person.//
   * [[https://​​|Spirit of Revolt: Archives of dissent]]   * [[https://​​|Spirit of Revolt: Archives of dissent]]
   * [[http://​|Radical Glasgow'​s Anarchist Critic]] ​   * [[http://​|Radical Glasgow'​s Anarchist Critic]] ​
political.1663626293.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/09/19 22:24 by admin