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  • See Poetry
  • Ross Wilcock - Queer spoken word artist
  • Lentil Pentil - Daughter, sister, student, poet. She/her
  • Carly Brown - Award-winning writer based in Scotland. I’m the author of a children’s picture book, I Love St Andrews, and a poetry chapbook, Grown Up Poetry Needs to Leave Me Alone.
  • Jim Ferguson - Jim Ferguson is a poet, pamphleteer, novelist and critic based in Glasgow. Born in 1961, Jim has been writing and publishing since 1986 and is a Creative Writing Tutor at Glasgow Kelvin College.
  • Leyla Josephine - Leyla Josephine is an award-winning poet and theatre maker from Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Claire Quigley - I’m a Glasgow-based photographer and poet who likes faces, reflections, long exposures, and stories and scenes that don’t exist.
  • Kate Tough - Kate’s received three Creative Scotland funding awards, for fiction and poetry, and been selected for literature residencies at Cove Park, Vermont Studio Center, Outlandia and Moniack Mhor. She is a children’s literacy volunteer, and chairs festival events. She gained a Masters in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow and is completing a collection of short fiction.
  • Cat Hepburn - An award-winning scriptwriter, spoken word artist and educator based in Glasgow.
  • Kevin P Gilday - Kevin P. Gilday is an award-winning writer and spoken word artist from Glasgow, Scotland. He is the curator and co-host of spoken word cabaret Sonnet Youth, a National Theatre of Scotland Breakthrough Writer and a BBC Writersroom Scottish Voice.
  • Erin Boyle - Erin Boyle is a Glasgow-Irish poet. An up and coming working-class female writer, new to the scene. With a distinct style, Erins words are raw and relatable.
  • Mark Russell - Mark Russell’s full collections are Spearmint & Rescue (Pindrop), and Shopping for Punks (Hesterglock). He has also published chapbooks and pamphlets: ℵ (the book of moose) (Kattywompus); ا (the book of seals), and Saturday Morning Pictures (Red Ceilings); Pursued by Well-being (tall-lighthouse). Mark has given readings in various venues in Glasgow and Edinburgh, StAnza in St Andrews, the Nairn Bookshop, the Poetry Cafe in London, the Cheltenham Poetry Festival, The Derwent Poetry Festival, and elsewhere.
  • Vicki Husband - I completed my first degree in Fine Art and later trained as an Occupational Therapist; I now work for the NHS. In 2010 I graduated from Glasgow University with an MLitt in Creative Writing, and later was mentored by the late great Alexander Hutchison under The Clydebuilt poetry apprenticeship scheme.
  • Em Strang: Embodied Poetry - Em is a poet, workshop facilitator, and Reader with Open Book. Over the past decade, she has taught Creative Writing in public workshop settings, schools, universities and prisons, and continues to perform her poetry at venues across the UK.
  • Katherine Sowerby - Kathrine Sowerby is a writer living in Glasgow. She has an MFA from Glasgow School of Art, an MLitt in Creative Writing from Glasgow University, and she won a 2013 New Writers Award from the Scottish Book Trust.
  • Jim Carruth - Jim Carruth was appointed the poet laureate of Glasgow in July 2014. His most recent collection is Black Cart published by Freight in April 2017.
  • Calum Rodger - Calum Rodger is a poet, researcher, tutor and events organiser based in Glasgow, Scotland, working in performance, print and digital media.
  • Peter Manson - Peter Manson (born Glasgow, 1969) is a poet and translator of poetry. His books include English in Mallarmé (Blart Books), Poems of Frank Rupture (Sancho Panza Press), Adjunct: an Undigest and For the Good of Liars (both from Barque Press), and Between Cup and Lip (Miami University Press, Ohio).


poets.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/25 10:05 by admin