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Table of Contents


  • deafscotland - The lead organisation for deaf issues in Scotland. We aim to ensure that deaf people in Scotland can access services and information across all sectors of society from their local communities to what comes from government departments.
  • Hayfield - Support Services with Deaf People
  • West Scotland Deaf Children's Society - We offer help and support for families with deaf children in the West of Scotland, covering twelve local authorities: Argyll & Bute, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, and Glasgow.
  • Scottish Ethnic Minority Deaf Club - SEMDC is a registered charity and is the only club throughout Scotland that meets the needs of this often extremely isolated community who face multiple barriers throughout their everyday lives.

Sport Clubs


  • Solar Bear - Solar Bear is a theatre company that does things differently. Inclusion and collaboration are at the heart of our mission. We work with deaf and hearing actors, theatre makers, artists and young people. We reach out to those often excluded from the arts.
    • Deaf Youth Theatre - Solar Bear’s Deaf Youth Theatre (DYT), based in Glasgow, is for young deaf people aged 12 – 21 years.
  • Citizens Theatre: Deaf Theatre Club - We run regular Deaf Theatre club nights and we would love you to join us at these special events for deaf or hard of hearing patrons on the same evening as our British Sign Language signed performances.


  • Visible Cinema (Facebook) - Visible Cinema is a D/deaf and Hard of Hearing friendly film programme: a captioned or subtitled screening is followed by a BSL interpreted post-film discussion with on-screen Speech-to-Text service.
deaf.1594672098.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/13 20:28 by