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Charities & Trusts

  • See also Charity Shops
  • Glasgow Basket Brigade - The Glasgow Basket Brigade is a female-led initiative who are fully inspired to bringing the magic of Christmas alive through connection, contribution and giving back to our community.
  • Four Aces Charitable Trust - Four Acres Charitable Trust was founded in 1983 and acquired Cottiers, then Dowanhill Church, in 1984. The trust aims to return important redundant Victorian buildings to meaningful use within the community retaining their character and conserving their fabric.
  • The Trades House of Glasgow - Trades House of Glasgow is a charity, supporting those in need throughout the Greater Glasgow area by engaging the skills and commitment of the Incorporated Crafts, to develop the many educational projects we enable and charitable initiatives we support.
  • Al-Meezan - Al-Meezan is a non-political, non-sectarian charity organisation working in Glasgow for the past 16 years. Our primary focus is to meet the Islamic educational and social needs of Muslim women and children.
  • Russian Centre in Scotland - The Centre was set up in 2004 and is based at 11 Duke Street, Glasgow. The office is used to provide consultations in law, finance and other aspects of work and business in Russia and Britain. It seeks to promote closer ties between our countries. Also, The Centre provides a range of services to members of the Russian speaking and wider communities.
  • Promoting Positive Contact - Promoting Positive Contact is a a safe, secure place to where children of families involved in the process of separation or divorce can enjoy contact with one (or both) parents or with other family members.
  • Glasgow Humane Society - Preservation of human life in and around the waterways of Greater Glasgow. Provision of lifeboat / safety services where and when requested.
  • Home Start Glasgow South - Home-Start Glasgow South exists to help families overcome personal challenges.
  • Quarriers - Quarriers is one of Scotland’s leading social care charities. We provide practical care and support for vulnerable children, adults and families who face extremely challenging circumstances. We challenge poverty and inequality of opportunity to bring about positive changes in people’s lives.
  • Deafblind Scotland - For over 25 years Deafblind Scotland has been serving the Deafblind community, sustaining deafblind people’s personal and professional support networks and influencing statutory services and policy.


  • Sweet For Addicts - Sweet For Addicts is an organisation involving people whose lives have been touched by addiction and have used the arts as a cathartic therapy.
  • Phoenix Futures - We are a charity and housing association which has been helping people overcome drug and alcohol problems for 50 years. We provide residential, prison, community and specialist services.


  • Greyhound Awareness League - The Greyhound Awareness League (GAL) rescues and rehomes greyhounds and lurchers across Scotland. GAL is Scotland's oldest unaffiliated greyhound rescue charity, set up in 1998 and run entirely by volunteers.


  • See also Art: Projects
  • UZ Arts - UZ Arts is a Scottish charity that develops, commissions, produces and distributes the work of artists in all art forms. We seek to explore new economies and create platforms that make innovative art accessible to the widest audiences.

Asylum and Refugee


  • Gathering The Voices - The Gathering The Voices project has gathered and made available online oral and video testimony from men and women who sought sanctuary in Scotland to escape the racism of Nazi-dominated Europe.


  • Beatson Cancer Charity - At Beatson Cancer Charity we believe that no-one should face cancer on their own. This has always been our aim and we will work hard to continue to support even more people and families in the years to come.
  • Cancer Support Scotland - As a national charity we are dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of those affected by cancer across Scotland. We are passionate about providing free holistic care and support that is never restricted by type or by region.


  • Get Well Gamers - Donate video games and consoles to hospitals and healthcare settings across the United Kingdom
  • Peek Project - Improving the life chances of children and young people by unlocking their potential and journeying alongside them, as they PLAY, CREATE and THRIVE.
  • Ronald McDonald House Glasgow - We give families a safe base next to the hospital. This allows parents to remain close to their child without having to travel long distances.
  • Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity - We fundraise to ensure that every baby, child and young person treated at Scotland's largest children's hospital receives the extra special care they deserve
  • Jeely Piece Club - The Jeely Piece Club is a charity with it's roots in Castlemilk in Glasgow's south side. We believe in providing play and learning opportunities for children from 0 to 12 years regardless of status or circumstance
  • Scottish Cot Death Trust - Founded in 1985 and is the only charity in Scotland dedicated to the sudden unexpected death of babies and young children.


  • Carr Gomm - Carr Gomm is a leading Scottish social care and community development charity (SC033491). We currently support about 2,000 people every day across Scotland to live their lives safely and well according to their choices, whilst making plans to achieve their hopes and dreams for tomorrow.
  • Achieve More Scotland - Delivers programmes of diversionary activity to young people from areas of high social deprivation. Diversionary activities take the form of sports, physical activity, group-work, volunteering, employability and personal development sessions.


  • ECO Drama - Eco Drama are passionate about making quality theatre and creative learning experiences for children and young people which nurture a sense of curiosity, wonder and care for our natural world and remind us we are part of an amazing living planet.
  • Urban Roots - Urban Roots is a community led environmental charity working across the Southside of Glasgow.We empower local people to make choices and lifestyle changes that are beneficial for them, their communities and the environment.
  • Revive MS Support - We are Scotland’s leading provider of support for people living with MS and their families.


  • Epilepsy Connections - Epilepsy Connections runs a variety of projects and services within the Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Forth Valley and Ayrshire & Arran Health Board areas, offering information, advice and support to people with epilepsy, their families, friends and carers and the professionals working with them.


  • Home Start Glasgow South - Our goal is to help families, it’s as simple as that, and we employ a wide array of support mechanisms to enable us to address individual needs. At the heart of our service is a dedicated network of Home-Start Glasgow South volunteers.
  • Grandparents Apart - Grand Parents Apart UK (GAUK), is a charitable organisation dedicated to help grandparents keep in touch with their grandchildren following divorce or separation of the children’s parents.
  • Govan Home and Education Link Project - Established in 1996 Govan Home and Education Link Project (formerly Hill's Trust Home School Community Project) is a family education support project.



  • The Cheyne Gang - A community singing group for people living with long term respiratory conitions such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Asthma, Bronchiectasis - in fact any respiratory condition that causes long term breathlessness.
  • Scotservs - Scotservs are Scotland's only Volunteer Emergency Medical Transport Charity. Since 2011 we've been delivering Specialist Medical Logistics Services to NHS Scotland around the clock, 365 days a year.


  • Emmaus Glasgow - The Emmaus community in Glasgow opened in 2006 and now operates a residential community of 27 former homeless men and women ('companions') and a recycling/reuse business with two retail charity shops – Partick and Hamiltonhill in Glasgow.
  • Homeless Network - Homeless Network Scotland was established in 1980 to bring together the different sectors, organisations and individuals that want to put an end to homelessness and to retain a long-term overview.
  • Move On - Move On Scotland work with vulnerable young people and people affected by homelessness to help them unlock their untapped potential.
  • Simon Community Scotland - Combatting the causes and effects of homelessness
  • LHM: Lodging House Mission - The Lodging House Mission is a Glasgow based charity dedicated to providing care and support to homeless, vulnerable and socially excluded people


  • Action on Asbestos - Formerly Clydeside Action on Asbestos. We are Scotland's leading asbestos – industrial injury and disease charity.

Learning Difficulties

  • CKUK (Common Knowledge) - CKUK offers innovative learning, peer education, drama and safe social networking for people with learning difficulties.
  • Neighbourhood Networks - Since 2001 we have supported vulnerable adults many with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health issues to live an active, healthy life, safely, within their own homes and be fully involved within their local communities.

Mental Illness

  • Common Wheel - Common Wheel supports people with mental illness by providing meaningful activities.
  • Flourish House - Flourish House is an independent Charity which aims to enable people with mental illness to regain purposeful lives in the community.


  • The Preshal Trust - The Preshal Trust was launched in November 2002 and is a registered charity based in Govan. This is an area of economic and social deprivation with high unemployment, low educational attainment, poor health and serious poverty levels and our objective is to provide support and to deliver a range of services to socially excluded people and families living in the Govan area of Glasgow.
  • Turning Point Scotland - Scotland's leading social care developer and provider. Pioneering through partnership to transform lives and aspirations. We build community and the capacity to be active citizens within it.
  • Community Renewal - Community Renewal transforms communities by empowering and engaging individuals in community activity to improve their health, learning and employability.
  • The Village Storytelling Centre - We believe that everyone has a story worth hearing, yet nobody’s is written in stone. We help people to find, shape and share their voices, and to tell, reflect on and reframe their narratives.


  • Street League Glasgow - Street League is the UK’s leading sport for employment charity. Our mission is to see an end to youth unemployment in the UK, and our award-winning programmes have supported 5,851 young people into work since 2010.
  • Achieve More Scotland - Delivers programmes of diversionary activity to young people from areas of high social deprivation. Diversionary activities take the form of sports, physical activity, group-work, volunteering, employability and personal development sessions.
  • Blantyre Soccer Academy - Advance public participation in amateur sport of football by promoting the game of football through the provision of recreational facilities and activities.


  • Hemat Gryffe - Gryffe Women’s Aid was founded in 1981 as the first Asian, Black and Minority Ethnic Women’s Aid Group in Scotland.
  • Gilded Lily - Award-winning Gilded Lily’s activities help women to overcome barriers and become more confident and creative. We do this through supportive and flexible programmes to explore, start-up and succeed in enterprise, social enterprise or employment.




  • Glasgow's Helping Heroes - A partnership between SSAFA and Glasgow City Council to help those who are serving or have served in the Armed Forces, or their families.
  • Coming Home Centre - Providing a service to veterans from the Armed Forces in Govan and surrounding areas.

Young People

  • Young People's Futures - Young People's Futures (formerly known as Young Possil Futures) is a charitable company (Charity No.SC038053, Company No. SC365872) working with children and young people aged 5-18 years that provides drop-in based diversionary activities in the Possilpark, Westercommon and Hamiltonhill communities of North Glasgow
  • YPeople - Mentoring Scotland’s young people
charities_trusts.1618776458.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/18 20:07 by admin