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  • See Lemmy forums: Blogs - Keep up to date on new posts (it aggregates RSS feeds from all the below blogs [where available]).
  • See also: Homepages
  • Once Upon a Time in the 70s - Nostalgia & Memories of the 1970s.
  • Rona McMillan - My name is Rona – I am from the north west coast of Scotland, but currently living in Glasgow. My blog is a documentation of my adventures, travel and time spent outdoors.
  • Kris Munro - I am a Glasgow based blogger and have been a blogger since 2016, but testing the waters a little before this. This was a very new area for me but I was eager to learn a new skill and have fun at the same time. I started my blog solely on food, as I was eating a lot and always taking photos of what I eat for Instagram. Over the past few years, I have lowered that to 60% food with 40% for everything else e.g products, travel etc…this means I can have a little variety to what I do.
  • Grandma Williams - So here I am, Joyce at 80+ …also known as Grandma Williams. I've travelled the world, written books, been a Physio & TV Presenter. Now I'm 80+ and I'm blogging about the fun and nonsense of being ancient in a modern world and experiencing everyday ageism in all its glory!
  • The Life of a Glasgow Girl - My name is Jordanne and I'm the creator behind the blog. I'm just a simple Scottish gal with a chronic illness who loves a good cuppa and all things cats. Here on my blog you can find topics such as Self-care, Mental Health, Everyday life and more.
  • Oh, Glasgow! - Everything that makes Glasgow the unique city that I love. Glasgow humour, Glasgow politics, and Glasgow music. This city said Yes to independence.
  • By Charlotte Ann - Welcome to By Charlotte Ann. I'm Charlotte (you might have guessed that), a freelance copywriter and digital marketer. I've been blogging since 2010, and I'm a huge fan of a rambling personal essay.
  • 101 Views of Glasgow - or… Ghosts of Glasgow
  • Lynsay Loves - Expect me to share my thoughts on everything from where to get an excellent cup of coffee in town, to the latest lipstick I’m obsessing over, DIY home projects, life advice, travels and so much more. I love to write about the little things, the larger things and everything in between – but no matter what the subject may be, you’ll always find it from my point of view.
  • STOP! This is getting very silly - See “interests” That's all you need to know, folks . . . oh! I'm not addicted to drink, ciggies, soft drugs,hard drugs,cars, football,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube, eMailing,TV Soaps, TV, video-games, mobile (cell) phones or any of the many other ways open to us for pouring our one and only life down the social networking toilet. And I hope one day to be the last person left alive who starts sentences in blogs, eMails etc WITH A CAPITAL LETTER. And further . . . I hope to live to be 350 million years old. Not because I don't want to die. I want to be eye-witness to tectonic plate movements and the slow drifting away of the moon from our little blue lovely Earth.
  • Gregory Cooper - Hey there special person of the internet, welcome to my blog and vlogsite! By day I’m a web designer and seo super agent, by night I’m a busy Dad, home cook, dj and internet/tech geek!
  • A Glasgow Album - Welcome to my wee photoblog on Glasgow, where we feature the joys and unjoys of walking and cycling through a fascinating, beautiful and often badly run city.
  • My Little Underground - Tales of the past, present & future
  • AlexRsStuff - A Collection of Glasgow sights past and present.
  • City Strolls - The Art of Living in the City
  • Urban Fly Fisher - This site was the first (not the best) fly fishing blog on the internet. It is about fishing in urban and sometimes the non urban places in the Clyde Valley. Along the way I have had a lot of fun, like being featured in the Glasgow Herald and being featured on the infamous Trout n About episode about the River Kelvin. I even won an award as I was second place in the Metro newspaper blog awards.
  • Wee Ginger Dug - Biting the hand of Project Fear
  • Glasgow Punter - Random postings from the city of Glasgow. Living and working in Glasgow I write here on occasion about stuff in and around this fine city rather than just moaning at home about it.
  • About a City - Two fun-loving women with diverse lifestyles, a lust for living and an enthusiasm for sharing the best of Glasgow – the city we so love.
  • Hello Rogue - Hello! My name is Ayden. I'm a 30 something year old girl from Glasgow, Scotland, and this is my eclectic little corner of the internet. Whenever I'm not Art Directing for TV and Film, you can find me here sharing some musings of life as a first time Mum, a Wife, and everything in between.
  • Girl With A Camera (Instagram) - I’m Ashley, a natural light, portrait photographer living in Glasgow, Scotland. You’ve probably noticed by now, but I take pictures. I enjoy shooting a mixed bag, whether it be candid shots of life as it happens, or what I’m eating for lunch that day. Work-wise, I primarily photograph weddings. I also post regularly to Instagram, where I’ve managed to build an audience of 80,000+ followers. Let’s work together!
  • Munchkin's Mind: A blog to track the scribblings of Brian M. Milton - Ooo, a new blog for to track my writing and no doubt other nonsense that crosses my mind.
  • Cameron Writes - Welcome Watchers of Illusion to The Castle of Confusion. Herein you will find the musings of Cameron Johnston on writing, swords, history and other cool things.
  • Jim Steel - Jim Steel lives in Scotland. Glasgow, to be more precise. He is the book reviews editor for Interzone and his poorly-researched and superficial reviews and articles can also be found in VideoVista, The Zone, Soundchecks, The Borderland and Vector.
  • Glasgow and Surrounding Beasties - Michael S. Collins, Glaswegian writer and pest, sometimes remembers to blog here.
  • Radical Glasgow: Annarky's Blog - Views and Poetry from an Anarchist Perspective
  • The Steamie - Blethering about Glasgow life since 2011
  • Glasgow Bus Driver - A little safe place to be when you've had enough of muppets, junkies and neds.
  • Greek Girl Glasgow - Hello I am Katerina. I moved to Glasgow from Corfu in 2006. This blog is my lifestyle diary and a creative way to collect memorable events from my life. I would love to hear from you so do not be shy to say hi at the comments section. See you all at the other side!

Baby & Parenting



  • The Little Magpie - Amy Bell: Fashion & travel blogger and occasional shower singer.
  • Honey Pop Kisses - Honey Pop Kisses was created by Amanda Davies after her job as an assistant buyer became creatively stifling. Having worked in the fashion industry for over 10 years Amanda felt it time to channel her passion for the industry in a more creative way. A degree in fashion design & technology from MMU and experience working for indie designers gives Amanda an edge as she knows how the industry works from the inside.
  • Midlife Smarts - I’m Jill and I’m in my Midlife – there said it!. By day I’m an upstanding, punctual, perfectly nice PR Consultant – living and working in Scotland. After dark (evil laugh), I turn in to a cynical blogger… who can’t seem to stop sharing unsolicited thoughts and advice with anyone who’ll listen.


  • Suzanne Showcasing VR (Twitter) - My name is Suzanne and I am obsessed with Virtual Reality! I find it extremely exciting how it will shape our future. I’ll be sharing my learning and hopefully encouraging you to join us on the quest to bring virtual reality into everyday life. I will also cover Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality news and use cases too.
  • ZeroSec - Andy Gill is a hacker at heart, a penetration tester, with a wealth of experience, having working in security for just over 5 years he has done a lot and inputted a lot.
  • DVFX - 3D Scanning and 3D Printing - Hi, I’m David, and I love 3D Printing, CAD, 3D Scanning, Reverse Engineering, Photography, and other similar cool stuff. Most of it will end up here.




  • ScotCities - Architectural Drawings of Gerald Blaikie



Beauty & Lifestyle



  • Everything Flows - Named after the debut single by Teenage Fanclub. This blog is all about being a music lover in Glasgow; gig/record reviews, ramblings, the odd interview, new bands, fave bands, discoveries, rediscoveries and musings. Hopefully this blog captures some of the Glasgow Music Scene as well as my taste in music. I have a couple of regular features - my Never Ending Mixtape/Spotify playlists and Cover Version of the Month.
  • Glasgow's Music World - I'm going to aim to find as many music events around Glasgow that are FREE for all the students reading (as I know how depressing it is to be living on an overdraft and eating nothing but pasta and cheese for dinner every night) and for anyone else that wants to experience Glasgow’s diverse music culture but not spend any money.
  • Glasgow Open Mic Nights - A review of Open Mic nights - mainly in the Clutha Vaults [Stockwell Street] and Avante Garde [King Street] in Glasgow


  • See also Images
  • Lee Jones - Online home of Glasgow based photographer Lee Jones. Photo Blog






  • William Pettersson - Mathematician, and currently employed as a research associate at the University of Glasgow in the School of Computing Science where I am part of the Formal Analysis, Theory and Algorithms group.




  • Celts Are here - Celts Are Here is a dedicated unofficial news blog for the famous Glasgow Celtic FC. We have a team of dedicated authors who are Celtic daft and who have their fingers of the pulse of Celtic news. Our team consists of authors who have worked on various different football blogs in the past and who have now come together to focus on a common interest.





  • Colouring without Borders - First, we moved from Raleigh, North Carolina to Glasgow, Scotland. After two and a half years, we've relocated to Bristol, in gorgeous southwestern England. Join us on our expat journey as we stretch our boundaries and color (or colour) a bit outside the lines whilst living and traveling abroad. (last updated 2016)
  • American Lex - I’m Alexandra, an American living and working in Glasgow with my Scottish husband Danny. I was supposed to start up a blog shortly after my move, but only got around to it a couple of years later. Yes, I am the ultimate procrastinator. (last updated 2015)
  • An Aussie family in Glasgow - A blog about the hidden treasures we've discovered living in Glasgow for the last year. (last updated 2010)
  • girl-e Glasgow - Girl-e Glasgow is the fashion, shopping and lifestyle blog of Emily Stewart. I'm an American who has been living in Glasgow, Scotland since 1998. I use this blog as an outlet for all the spending I can't do! I'm inspired by 70s films, music, television, champagne, peonies and, at the risk of sounding really vague, beauty. I am also inspired by my beautiful daughter Serena, though this isn't a mommy blog, so there won't be recommendations for prams and high chairs etc. (last updated 2014)
  • I Dream of Haggis - I am a Canadian living amongst the puckered pale flesh and scorching ginger hair of Glaswegians. After a mid-twenties life crisis and yearning to escape puritan “Toronto the Good”, I moved to Glasgow in March 2006. (last updated 2016)
  • Transatlantic Blonde - I'm an American girl who lived in Glasgow, Scotland from 2004-2015. We moved our family to Cincinnati, Ohio in 2016 and reversed roles with my husband being the expat. Cincinnati has changed so much since I left, so I'm somewhat of a tourist in my own city.
  • Understanding Glasgow - Glasgow is Scotland's largest city; it is vibrant, colourful, intriguing and largely misunderstood; this blog is an attempt at understanding it. (last updated 2009)
  • The Scottish Lemon - I've moved to Scotland! This blog is a place for me to ramble on about my ongoing experiences of trying to fit into a new country & culture - be it fun, adventurous or a complete and total disaster. It's also a way to keep in contact with my friends & family back home in Canada. And surprisingly, it's also introduced me to some new friends out there in blog world. Thanks for stopping by. (last updated 2009)
  • Not a real blog - The problem with this blog is that it's written by me. That's a problem. (last updated 2013)


Inactive Personal Blogs

blogs.1653903836.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/30 09:43 by fistle