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Schools & Universities in Glasgow

  • Scottish Wider Access - The Scottish Wider Access Programme supports access to higher education for adult learners. SWAP access programmes run at colleges across Scotland and are a proven route into hundreds of degree courses at partner universities.




  • Rosemount Lifelong Learning - Rosemount Lifelong Learning was established in 1998 with a mission to increase the life chances (through learning) for children, young people and adults living in the North East and wider Glasgow area.
  • Goethe-Institut Glasgow - Learn German with the international market leader for German courses.
  • The Academy of Music & Sound: Glasgow - Our students are at the heart of the Academy of Music and Sound, supported by our team of dedicated tutors. We offer specialist music performance and production education, preparing you for a career in the modern music industry with recognised music qualifications.
  • Glasgow Maritime Academy - We are a group of very experienced Master Mariners, and we have formed Glasgow Maritime Academy in response to a growing industry need for a quality training establishment. We have lecturers who are Master Mariner with Phd, Cheif Engineers and Maritime lawyers.
  • CREATe - The UK Copyright and Creative Economy Centre, based at the University of Glasgow
  • subSine Academy of Electronic Music - Scotland’s leading music production school. We have Soma Skool courses in conjunction with the legendary Soma Records; Pro Sessions with industry professionals; and an incredible community throughout Scotland and the world.
  • The Data Lab - The Data Lab is Scotland's Innovation Centre for data and AI. We are here to accelerate the journey by fueling innovation through collaboration, building skills and growing talent, and strengthening Scotland’s thriving data science community.

High Schools



Primary Schools




schools_universities.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/19 23:22 by admin