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Reddit Meetup Week Glasgow 2024

WhenSat 15th June 2024, from 7pm
WhereThe Gamer Club, 153 Bath Lane, Glasgow, G2 4RH
CostFree (BYOB)

A social meetup to meet fellow r/glasgow users and make new friends.

Held in the The Gamer Club, there are four rooms available with big tables to sit at, board and card games and arcades to play, couches and games consoles to use and more. The venue is unlicenced, but you can bring your own beer/wine. There is no cost to this event.

You can join the discussion on our Matrix network, room #reddit, invite link:

Other events

See our main Reddit page for info about past and future r/glasgow events.

reddit_meetup_week_2024.1714739959.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/03 12:39 by admin