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Wintersgills Poker

Texas Hold'em No Limit Tournament. £5 buy-in, 1 rebuy. Last buy in: approximately 9:15pm.

5000 chips, starting blinds 25/50. 15 minute blind levels.

VenueWintersgills, 226 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G4 9EJ
Date/timeWeekly, on Thursdays, starts at 7:30pm
Buy in£5 (one rebuy available before 9:15pm)

Re-buy: 1 available before the end of round 7 (or before the break ends - approximately 9:15-9:25). You must have no chips left, or choose to surrender your stack. Bonus: Arrive (and pay in) before 7:30pm to get a 1k bonus chip.


£5 is winnable for the first person to win a hand with '7/2 off' - 7/2 off-suit (using both hole cards)


LevelSmall/Big BlindLength (mins)Approx Start Time
125/50157:30 PM
250/100157:45 PM
375/150158:00 PM
4100/200158:15 PM
-10 minute break108:30 PM
5150/300158:40 PM
6200/400158:55 PM
7250/500109:10 PM
-Last 3 hands, then 10 minute break. Chip up 25s.109:20 PM
8300/600109:30 PM
9400/800109:40 PM
10500/1000109:50 PM
-10 minute break. Chip up 100s.1010:00 PM
112000/40001010:10 PM
123000/60001010:20 PM
134000/80001010:30 PM
145000/100001010:40 PM
1510000/200001010:50 PM


League starts on Thu 9th Feb 2023. From that point on:

  • £15 per game is taken out of the pot to go toward a league prize (£20/week for the last four games to give the winner a freeroll).
  • Best score from 8 out of 12 games is counted
  • Scoring: First player out gets 1 point, 2nd player out 2 points etc. If you win withouth a rebuy you get a bonus 10 points on top.
  • Top 10 players get a seat at the final table.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is enforced by the game's organizing player, and their interpretation of the Code of Conduct is final. The Code of Conduct's purpose is to promote inclusivity and fairness within the game, and to ensure all participants are equally protected against infringement of the Code of Conduct. When you play poker here, you are expected to understand these rules and expect their enforcement by the game's organizing player.

1. Use of inappropriate language

If a player uses language deemed inappropriate by the Code of Conduct, they will be cashed out/refunded and permanently banned from the game. Language deemed inappropriate by the Code of Conduct includes the following:

  • Racist language
  • Sexist language
  • Homophobic Language
  • Language used to threaten, provoke, or instigate physical confrontation

2. Use of physical violence

If a player uses physical violence or threatens to do so, they will be cashed out/refunded and permanently banned from the game. This includes any and all players involved. If a player physically confronts you, you are not to reciprocate. You alert the game's organising player, and they will cash out/refund and ban the instigating player. Any reciprocating players will also be banned.

3. Abuse exclusive of inappropriate language or physical violence

If a player repeatedly abuses, berates or bullies a player after being asked to desist, they will be cashed out/refunded and ejected from that night's game. This includes ad hominem attacks on a player regarding their lack of skill, or abusing the dealer for giving you bad cards, or any part of the game that you cannot control. Those who find themselves unable to control themselves when they lose a hand with a high probability of success or find themselves consistently frustrated at the poker table should consult this following article on poker variance: and pursue a basic understanding of mathematical probability.

4. Excessive drunkenness

If a player becomes excessively drunk to the extent that they are deemed unable to continue playing poker, they will be cash out/refunded and ejected from that night's game. If a player becomes excessively drunk to the extent that they are deemed unable to continue playing poker and break any other rules within the Code of Conduct, they will be cashed out/refunded and permanently banned from the game. Whether or not a player is excessively drunk is assessed by the game's organising player, though the game's organising player reserves the right to take up advisement should they have not been present at the player's table to observe.

5. Cheating

If a player is found to have cheated, they will be cashed out/refunded and permanently banned from the game.

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poker/wintersgills.1679934095.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 16:21 by admin