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poker:wintersgills [2024/03/26 13:46]
poker:wintersgills [2025/03/13 15:37] (current)
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 ====== Cambrian League Poker ====== ====== Cambrian League Poker ======
 +**This page has moved to [[poker/​gamerclub|The Gamer Club Thursday Poker]]**
 +===== Archived Content =====
 Texas Hold'​em No Limit Tournament. ​ £10 buy-in, 1 £5 rebuy. ​ Last buy in: approximately 9:15pm. Texas Hold'​em No Limit Tournament. ​ £10 buy-in, 1 £5 rebuy. ​ Last buy in: approximately 9:15pm.
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 5000 chips, starting blinds 25/​50. ​ 15 minute blind levels.  ​ 5000 chips, starting blinds 25/​50. ​ 15 minute blind levels.  ​
-^Venue|The Gamer Club, 153 Bath Lane, Glasgow, G2 4RH|+^Venue|[[https://​​|The Gamer Club]][[https://​​gettinghere|153 Bath Lane, Glasgow, G2 4RH]]|
 ^Date/​time|Weekly,​ on Thursdays, starts at 19:15pm| ^Date/​time|Weekly,​ on Thursdays, starts at 19:15pm|
-^Buy in|£10 (one rebuy available before 9:15pm)| +^Buy in|£10 (one £5 rebuy available before 9:15pm)| 
-^Optional|£1 entry into bad beat cumulative jackpot.|+^Optional|£1 entry into bad beat cumulative jackpot. ​(Currently £9)|
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 ===== Bonus ===== ===== Bonus =====
 £5 is winnable for the first person to win a hand with '7/2 off' - 7/2 off-suit (using both hole cards) £5 is winnable for the first person to win a hand with '7/2 off' - 7/2 off-suit (using both hole cards)
 £5 is winnable for the first person to lose with pocket AA's £5 is winnable for the first person to lose with pocket AA's
 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
   *  [[https://​​matrix|Matrix chatroom: #​poker:​]]   *  [[https://​​matrix|Matrix chatroom: #​poker:​]]
-  * [[https://​​wintersgills/​|Link to rebuy/knockout stats]]+  * [[https://​​wintersgills/​|Rebuy/knockout stats for each event]] 
 +  * [[https://​​bon/​league/​|League Overview]] 
 +  * [[https://​​bon/​knockouts.php|All-time ​knockout stats]]
   * [[https://​​roberts-rules-poker.php|Robert'​s Rules of Poker]]   * [[https://​​roberts-rules-poker.php|Robert'​s Rules of Poker]]
 ===== Blinds ===== ===== Blinds =====
 ^Level^Small/​Big Blind^Length (mins)^Approx Start Time^ ^Level^Small/​Big Blind^Length (mins)^Approx Start Time^
-|1|25/​50|15|7:​30 PM| +|1|25/​50|15|7:​15 PM| 
-|2|50/​100|15|7:​45 PM| +|2|50/​100|15|7:​30 PM| 
-|3|75/​150|15|8:00 PM| +|3|75/​150|15|7:45 PM| 
-|4|100/​200|15|8:​15 PM| +|4|100/​200|15|8:​00 PM| 
-|-|10 minute break|10|8:30 PM| +|-|10 minute break|10|8:15 PM| 
-|5|150/​300|15|8:​40 PM| +|5|150/​300|15|8:​25 PM| 
-|6|200/​400|15|8:​55 PM| +|6|200/​400|15|8:​40 PM| 
-|7|250/​500|10|9:10 PM| +|7|250/​500|10|8:55 PM| 
-|-|Last 3 hands, then 10 minute break. ​ Chip up 25s.|10|9:20 PM|+|-|Last 3 hands, then 10 minute break. ​ Chip up 25s.|10|9:15 PM|
 |8|300/​600|10|9:​30 PM| |8|300/​600|10|9:​30 PM|
-|9|400/​800|10|9:​40 PM| +|9|400/​800|10|9:​45 PM| 
-|10|500/​1000|10|9:50 PM| +|10|500/​1000|10|10:00 PM| 
-|-|10 minute break. ​ Chip up 100s.|10|10:​00 PM| +|-|10 minute break. ​ Chip up 100s.|10|10:​15 PM| 
-|11|2000/​4000|10|10:​10 PM| +|11|2000/​4000|10|10:​30 PM| 
-|12|3000/​6000|10|10:​20 PM| +|12|3000/​6000|10|10:​45 PM| 
-|13|4000/​8000|10|10:30 PM| +|13|4000/​8000|10|11:00 PM| 
-|14|5000/​10000|10|10:40 PM| +|14|5000/​10000|10|11:15 PM| 
-|15|10000/​20000|10|10:50 PM|+|15|10000/​20000|10|11:30 PM|
 ==== League ==== ==== League ====
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 6. RSVP System 6. RSVP System
 +The RSVP system is a fair and transparent method for the tournament director to ensure full capacity (32) of the evening and control any over-attendance. The desired outcome is a fully attended evening with maximised payouts, for the enjoyment of all.
 +Due to restricted space and high participation,​ players must submit an RSVP (link below) to the tournament director for a seat to be allocated to them. 
 +Consistent misuse of the RSVP system, such as non-attendance,​ will put players on "The Naughty List" a 2nd, lower class tier of waiting list, only allocated a seat after ALL 32 players on the RSVP list have been given a seat and knock outs have commenced.
 +There is no guarantee of playing offered to players registered on the Naughty List.
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poker/wintersgills.1711460792.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/26 13:46 by a_tree