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Bon Accord Poker

:!: Note this game has been CANCELLED as of Feb 2023 :!:

Most players have moved to the Wintersgills game.

Texas Hold'em No Limit Tournament. £5 buy-in, 1 rebuy. Last buy in: approximately 9:15pm.

5000 chips, starting blinds 25/50. 15 minute blind levels (10 minutes starting in round 10).

VenueBon Accord, 153 North Street, Glasgow, G3 7EH
Date/timeWeekly, on Thursdays, starts at 7:30pm
Buy in£5 (one rebuy available before 9:15pm)

Re-buy: 1 available before the end of round 7 (or before the break ends - approximately 9:15-9:25). You must have no chips left, or choose to surrender your stack. Bonus: Arrive (and pay in) before 7:30pm to get a 1k bonus chip.


A free drink token is winnable for the first person to either have:

  • 'Aces Cracked' (pocket aces but you don't win a hand)
  • '7/2 off' - win a hand with 7/2 off-suit


LevelSmall/Big BlindLength (mins)Approx Start Time
125/50157:30 PM
250/100157:45 PM
375/150158:00 PM
4100/200158:15 PM
-10 minute break108:30 PM
5150/300158:40 PM
6200/400158:55 PM
7250/500109:10 PM
-Last 3 hands, then 10 minute break. Chip up 25s.109:20 PM
8300/600109:30 PM
9400/800109:40 PM
10500/1000109:50 PM
-10 minute break. Chip up 100s.1010:00 PM
112000/40001010:10 PM
123000/60001010:20 PM
134000/80001010:30 PM
145000/100001010:40 PM
1510000/200001010:50 PM


League starts on Thu 11th November 2022. From that point on:

  • £15 per game is taken out of the pot to go toward a league prize (£20/week for the last four games to give the winner a freeroll).
  • Best score from 8 out of 12 games is counted
  • Scoring: First player out gets 1 point, 2nd player out 2 points etc. If you win withouth a rebuy you get a bonus 10 points on top.
  • Top 10 players get a seat at the final table.

For Reference: Old Blinds

We used these for the first 5-6 informal games (circa Oct 2021)

LevelSmall/Big BlindLength (mins)Approx Start Time
125/50157:30 PM
250/100157:45 PM
375/150158:00 PM
-10 minute break108:15 PM
4150/300158:25 PM
5200/400158:40 PM
6300/600158:55 PM
-Last 3 hands, then 10 min break, chip up209:15 PM
7500/1000159:30 PM
81000/2000159:45 PM
91500/30001510:00 PM
-Break1010:15 PM
102000/40001510:25 PM
113000/60001510:40 PM
124000/80001510:55 PM
135000/100001511:10 PM
1410000/200001511:25 PM

Code of Conduct

See the Wintersgills page for the current code of conduct. Back to Poker

poker/bon_accord.1679934233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/27 16:23 by admin