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poker:bon_accord [2021/10/11 14:23]
admin [Blinds]
poker:bon_accord [2023/03/27 16:23] (current)
admin [Code of Conduct]
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 ====== Bon Accord Poker ====== ====== Bon Accord Poker ======
-Texas Hold'​em No Limit Tournament. ​ £5 buy-in, 1 rebuy (before 9:15pm). ​ Last buy inapproximately 9:15pm.+:!__**Note this game has been CANCELLED as of Feb 2023**__ :!:
-5000 chips, starting blinds 25/​50. ​ 15 minute blind levels.  ​+Most players have moved to the [[poker/​Wintersgills]] game. 
 +Texas Hold'​em No Limit Tournament. ​ £5 buy-in, 1 rebuy. ​ Last buy in: approximately 9:15pm. 
 +5000 chips, starting blinds 25/​50. ​ 15 minute blind levels ​(10 minutes starting in round 10).  ​
 ^Venue|Bon Accord, 153 North Street, Glasgow, G3 7EH| ^Venue|Bon Accord, 153 North Street, Glasgow, G3 7EH|
 ^Date/​time|Weekly,​ on Thursdays, starts at 7:30pm| ^Date/​time|Weekly,​ on Thursdays, starts at 7:30pm|
 ^Buy in|£5 (one rebuy available before 9:15pm)| ^Buy in|£5 (one rebuy available before 9:15pm)|
 +Re-buy: 1 available before the end of round 7 (or before the break ends - approximately 9:​15-9:​25). ​ You must have no chips left, or choose to surrender your stack.
 +Bonus: Arrive (and pay in) before 7:30pm to get a 1k bonus chip.
 ===== Bonus ===== ===== Bonus =====
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 ===== Links ===== ===== Links =====
-  *  [[​!eFyUHWIsaXkizDjwaB:​​​|Matrix chatroom: #​poker:​]]+  *  [[https://​|Matrix chatroom: #​poker:​]]
   * [[https://​​bon/​|Link to rebuy/​knockout stats]]   * [[https://​​bon/​|Link to rebuy/​knockout stats]]
   * [[https://​​roberts-rules-poker.php|Robert'​s Rules of Poker]]   * [[https://​​roberts-rules-poker.php|Robert'​s Rules of Poker]]
 ===== Blinds ===== ===== Blinds =====
-^Level^Small/​Big Blind^Approx Start Time^ +^Level^Small/​Big Blind^Length (mins)^Approx Start Time^ 
-|1|25/50|19:30| +|1|25/50|15|7:30 PM
-|2|50/100|19:45| +|2|50/100|15|7:45 PM
-|3|75/150|20:00| +|3|75/150|15|8:00 PM| 
-|-|Break|20:15| +|4|100/​200|15|8:​15 PM
-|4|150/300|20:30+|-|10 minute break|10|8:30 PM| 
-|5|200/400|20:45+|5|150/​300|15|8:​40 PM| 
-|6|300/600|21:00+|6|200/​400|15|8:​55 PM| 
-|-|Last 3 Hands, then Break|21:15| +|7|250/​500|10|9:​10 PM| 
-|7|500/​1000|21:30| +|-|Last 3 hands, then 10 minute break. ​ Chip up 25s.|10|9:20 PM| 
-|8|1000/​2000|21:45| +|8|300/​600|10|9:30 PM| 
-|9|1500/​3000|22:00| +|9|400/​800|10|9:​40 PM| 
-|-|Break|22:15| +|10|500/​1000|10|9:​50 PM| 
-|10|2000/​4000|22:30+|-|10 minute break. ​ Chip up 100s.|10|10:​00 PM| 
-|11|3000/​6000|22:45+|11|2000/​4000|10|10:​10 PM| 
-|12|4000/​8000|23:00|+|12|3000/​6000|10|10:​20 PM| 
 +|13|4000/​8000|10|10:​30 PM| 
 +|14|5000/​10000|10|10:​40 PM| 
 +|15|10000/​20000|10|10:​50 PM| 
 +==== League ==== 
 +League starts on Thu 11th November 2022.  From that point on: 
 +  * £15 per game is taken out of the pot to go toward a league prize (£20/week for the last four games to give the winner a freeroll). 
 +  * Best score from 8 out of 12 games is counted 
 +  * Scoring: First player out gets 1 point, 2nd player out 2 points etc.  If you win withouth a rebuy you get a bonus 10 points on top. 
 +  * Top 10 players get a seat at the final table. 
 +=== For Reference: Old Blinds === 
 +We used these for the first 5-6 informal games (circa Oct 2021) 
 +^Level^Small/​Big Blind^Length (mins)^Approx Start Time^ 
 +|1|25/​50|15|7:​30 PM| 
 +|2|50/​100|15|7:​45 PM| 
 +|3|75/​150|15|8:​00 PM| 
 +|-|10 minute break|10|8:​15 PM
 +|4|150/300|15|8:25 PM
 +|5|200/400|15|8:40 PM
 +|6|300/600|15|8:55 PM
 +|-|Last 3 hands, then 10 min break, chip up|20|9:15 PM
 +|7|500/​1000|15|9:30 PM
 +|8|1000/​2000|15|9:45 PM
 +|9|1500/​3000|15|10:00 PM
 +|-|Break|10|10:15 PM
 +|10|2000/​4000|15|10:25 PM
 +|11|3000/​6000|15|10:40 PM
 +|12|4000/​8000|15|10:55 PM| 
 +|13|5000/​10000|15|11:​10 PM| 
 +|14|10000/​20000|15|11:​25 PM| 
 +==== Code of Conduct ==== 
 +See the [[Wintersgills]] page for the current code of conduct. 
 [[/​Poker|Back to Poker]] [[/​Poker|Back to Poker]]
poker/bon_accord.1633962187.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/11 14:23 by admin