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food_charity [2021/03/04 23:09]
admin [Foodbanks]
food_charity [2022/09/19 22:14] (current)
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-====== Food Charities ======+====== Food Charities ​in Glasgow ​======
   * See also [[social_enterprise#​food_production|Social Enterprise: Food Production]]   * See also [[social_enterprise#​food_production|Social Enterprise: Food Production]]
   * See also [[charities_trusts|Charities & Trusts]]   * See also [[charities_trusts|Charities & Trusts]]
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 We focus on maximising food surplus by feeding kids in our communities with free hot nutritious food after their school day and during holidays. Our food offer is open to all kids and served from American Airstream Rocket food trucks which the kids perceive as being cool, we think so too.// We focus on maximising food surplus by feeding kids in our communities with free hot nutritious food after their school day and during holidays. Our food offer is open to all kids and served from American Airstream Rocket food trucks which the kids perceive as being cool, we think so too.//
   * [[https://​​|Glasgow Basket Brigade]] - //The Glasgow Basket Brigade is a female-led initiative who are fully inspired to bringing the magic of Christmas alive through connection, contribution and giving back to our community.//​   * [[https://​​|Glasgow Basket Brigade]] - //The Glasgow Basket Brigade is a female-led initiative who are fully inspired to bringing the magic of Christmas alive through connection, contribution and giving back to our community.//​
 +  * [[https://​​|Ready Steady Grow Pollokshields]] - //Ready Steady Grow (RSG) is a biennial event held in a variety of Pollokshields’ greenspaces (usually) on the first Saturday in June.//
 ===== Social Enterprise Cafes ===== ===== Social Enterprise Cafes =====
food_charity.1614899356.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/04 23:09 by admin