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council [2020/11/21 04:08]
council [2022/09/19 22:16] (current)
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-====== Council and Local Authority ======+====== Council and Local Authority ​in Glasgow ​======
   * [[https://​​|Glasgow City Council]] ([[https://​​channel/​UCiFzn9Dh7vbEKxzqR_xBQSw|YouTube]])   * [[https://​​|Glasgow City Council]] ([[https://​​channel/​UCiFzn9Dh7vbEKxzqR_xBQSw|YouTube]])
   * [[https://​​GlasgowCC|Glasgow City Council Twitter]]   * [[https://​​GlasgowCC|Glasgow City Council Twitter]]
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   * [[https://​​|Community Safety Glasgow (CSG)]]   * [[https://​​|Community Safety Glasgow (CSG)]]
   * [[https://​​glowblogs/​|Glow Blogs: Glasgow]] - Local Authority Blogs   * [[https://​​glowblogs/​|Glow Blogs: Glasgow]] - Local Authority Blogs
 +  * [[https://​​|City Parking Glasgow]]
 +  * [[https://​​|Government Opportunities]] - //​Government Opportunities (GO) provides unrivalled insight into the constantly changing world of public procurement,​ public finance and public service delivery. It aims to provide anyone buying for or supplying to the public sector with the latest news, views, information and analysis of this multibillion-pound marketplace.//​
 +  * [[https://​​|Clydeplan:​ Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Planning Authority]] - //Clydeplan is the operating name for the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Planning Authority Joint Committee and comprises the eight local authorities of East Dunbartonshire,​ East Renfrewshire,​ Glasgow City, Inverclyde, North Lanarkshire,​ Renfrewshire,​ South Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire Councils who work together on strategic development planning matters.//
   * See also [[Commerce]]   * See also [[Commerce]]
council.1605931695.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/11/21 04:08 by admin