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bridge [2020/07/13 20:28] external edit
bridge [2022/09/19 22:20] (current)
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-====== Bridge ======+====== Bridge ​in Glasgow ​======
   * See also [[Gaming]]   * See also [[Gaming]]
   * [[https://​​glasgow/​|Glasgow Bridge Centre]] - //The Glasgow Bridge Centre enjoys a reputation as one of the finest bridge clubs in Scotland – let alone Glasgow. ​ Players of all abilities come to enjoy their bridge at evening and afternoon tournaments throughout the week.  The club – located in the Shawlands area of Glasgow – also runs a comprehensive bridge teaching programme for would-be Zia Mahmoods!//   * [[https://​​glasgow/​|Glasgow Bridge Centre]] - //The Glasgow Bridge Centre enjoys a reputation as one of the finest bridge clubs in Scotland – let alone Glasgow. ​ Players of all abilities come to enjoy their bridge at evening and afternoon tournaments throughout the week.  The club – located in the Shawlands area of Glasgow – also runs a comprehensive bridge teaching programme for would-be Zia Mahmoods!//
bridge.1594672098.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/13 20:28 by