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asylum_and_refugee [2020/11/28 07:36]
admin [Asylum and Refugee]
asylum_and_refugee [2022/09/19 22:15] (current)
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-====== Asylum and Refugee ======+====== Asylum and Refugee ​Events/​Groups in Glasgow ​======
   * See also [[Charities_trusts|Charities]],​ [[Social Enterprise]] and [[Community Groups]]   * See also [[Charities_trusts|Charities]],​ [[Social Enterprise]] and [[Community Groups]]
   * [[https://​​|The Unity Centre]] - //The Unity Centre gives practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland. We also support anyone detained in any UK Detention Centres. The Centre is run by the Unity Centre Collective. We are No Borders. We believe everyone should have freedom of movement.//   * [[https://​​|The Unity Centre]] - //The Unity Centre gives practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland. We also support anyone detained in any UK Detention Centres. The Centre is run by the Unity Centre Collective. We are No Borders. We believe everyone should have freedom of movement.//
 +  * [[https://​​|Unity in the Community]] - //Unity in the Community works to provide practical support and solidarity for people in need in our communities,​ especially asylum seekers.//
   * [[https://​​|Scottish Refugee Council]] - //We are an independent charity dedicated to supporting people in need of refugee protection. ​ The people we work with have fled horrific situations around the world and come from countries where conflict is rife and human rights abuses common.//   * [[https://​​|Scottish Refugee Council]] - //We are an independent charity dedicated to supporting people in need of refugee protection. ​ The people we work with have fled horrific situations around the world and come from countries where conflict is rife and human rights abuses common.//
   * [[https://​|Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet)]] - //Bringing together researchers,​ practitioners and policy makers working with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland//   * [[https://​|Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet)]] - //Bringing together researchers,​ practitioners and policy makers working with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland//
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   * [[http://​​|Milk Cafe Glasgow]] - //MILK is a social enterprise set up to empower and support refugee and migrant women living in Glasgow. We run a small cafe in the Southside of the city where we aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment that promotes integration within the community.//​   * [[http://​​|Milk Cafe Glasgow]] - //MILK is a social enterprise set up to empower and support refugee and migrant women living in Glasgow. We run a small cafe in the Southside of the city where we aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment that promotes integration within the community.//​
   * [[https://​​|Govan Community Project]] - //Govan Community Project, formerly Govan & Craigton Integration network is a community based organisation working in the south of Glasgow. Originally a response of community and church members to the needs of newly arrived asylum seekers, we have developed over the years to become a local charity working with and for all the diverse communities of the Greater Govan area and beyond.//   * [[https://​​|Govan Community Project]] - //Govan Community Project, formerly Govan & Craigton Integration network is a community based organisation working in the south of Glasgow. Originally a response of community and church members to the needs of newly arrived asylum seekers, we have developed over the years to become a local charity working with and for all the diverse communities of the Greater Govan area and beyond.//
 +  * [[https://​|Bikes for Refugees (Scotland)]] - //Aims to support the resettlement of socio-economically disadvantaged and isolated New Scots through the upcycling and provision of free bicycles and the transformational power of cycling.//
 ==== Volunteering ==== ==== Volunteering ====
   * See [[volunteering#​asylum_and_refugee|Volunteering:​ Asylum and Refugee]]   * See [[volunteering#​asylum_and_refugee|Volunteering:​ Asylum and Refugee]]
 +==== Legal ====
 +  * [[https://​​|The Ethnic Minorities Law Centre]] - //Human Rights, Immigration,​ Discrimination,​ Employment, Asylum//
asylum_and_refugee.1606549016.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/11/28 07:36 by admin