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Gaelic in Glasgow

  • Glaschu - A growing record of Gaelic in Glasgow giving a visual snapshot of what Gaelic, past and present, looks like in the city.
  • Conradh Na Gaeilge Glaschú (Facebook) - Irish language classes, quiz nights, conversation groups and singer group.
  • Ceòl is Craic - The social hub and platform for contemporary Gaelic culture in Glasgow.
  • The Royal National Mod - Scotland’s premier Gaelic cultural festival, takes place annually.
  • Glasgow's Gaelic Underground - The construction of bilingual Gaelic signage for Glasgow’s underground stations have been discussed on and off for years, but to date there are still no concrete plans. Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s new advertising campaign in conjunction with Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (AÀA) and LearnGaelic, however, contains a Gaelic map of the subway with Gaelic forms.


gaelic.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/19 23:20 by admin