====== Glasgow Computer & Information Security ====== * [[Matrix]] chat room for cyber security in Glasgow: [[https://matrix.to/#/#2600:glasgow.social?via=glasgow.social|#2600:glasgow.social]] (invite link: https://glasgow.social/matrix) ===== Groups ===== * [[https://www.2600glasgow.com|2600 Glasgow]] - //Glasgow 2600 meetings are similar to those held around the world. Hackers, crackers, geeks, hats of any colour, technology enthusiasts, hacktivists, and other like-minded folks are most welcome. We do not judge anyone and everyone has something to contribute, no matter their level of expertise.// * [[https://www.meetup.com/glasgow-computer-security-meetup-group/|Glasgow Computer Security Meetup]] - //Regular computer security tutorial nights// * [[https://www.meetup.com/ladies-of-glasgow-hacking-society/|Ladies of Glasgow Hacking Society]] ([[https://twitter.com/lhs_glasgow|Twitter]]) - //LGHS is an offensive & defensive technical security meetup for women in Glasgow.// * [[https://dc44141.github.io/|Defcon DC44141]] ([[https://twitter.com/dc44141|Twitter]]) * [[https://gcuhacking.com/|GCU Ethical Hacking Society]] ([[https://www.gcustudents.co.uk/groups/ethical-hacking-society|Student]], [[https://www.facebook.com/GCUethicalhacking/|Facebook]]) * [[https://hackthurs.day/|Hack Thursday]] - //Come and join likeminded infoseccers talk some cyber and non-cyber stuff.// ===== Events ===== * First Friday of the month, 6pm, [[The Gamer Club]]: [[https://www.2600glasgow.com|2600 Glasgow]] * Third Thursday of the month, 6pm, Rhoderick Dhu: [[https://hackthurs.day/|Hack Thursday]] * List of Glasgow security related events: [[https://events.glasgow.social/tag/infosec|#infosec at events.glasgow.social]] ===== Conferences ===== * [[https://g3c.gcuhacking.com/|Glasgow Caledonian Cyber Convention]] - //Glasgow Caledonian Cyber Convention abbreviated G3C is going on for its second year bringing together Cybersecurity industry professionals, students, and enthusiasts to share ideas, knowledge, and experience. // * [[https://www.scotsecurewest.com/|Scot-Secure West: Cyber Security Conference]] - 14th September 2023. //Scotland's Cyber Security for Business Conference with live keynotes, workshops and exhibition. // ===== Academic ===== * [[https://www.strath.ac.uk/science/computerinformationsciences/strathcyber/|Strathclyde Cyber Security Group (StrathCyber)]] - //We carry out world-leading interdisciplinary cybersecurity research. We make impactful connections, delivering solutions that focus on people, and that make a difference in the world.//