Su Ragazzi Volleyball Club -
Su Ragazzi Volleyball Club is one of Scotland’s top volleyball clubs. Based in Glasgow and North Lanarkshire, the club offers a range of opportunities for people to get involved… from players to match officials, with coaching and volunteering, the club is all about people and their enthusiasm for the sport.
Glasgow District Volleyball -
We look to encourage the participation of volleyball throughout Glasgow. Our purpose is to stimulate the well being of the people of Glasgow.
Lenzie Volleyball Club -
Lenzie Volleyball Club was formed in the summer of 1990 by David McEwan a PE teacher and senior pupils from Lenzie Academy. The club has two main activities, one is sport and the other social.
Make Mondays Volleyball -
Brand new initiative for LGBTQI+ persons of all ages: Social volleyball. Come along to learn basic warm ups and play for fun, specially lowered net height to build up confidence. Perfect for beginners or those returning to volleyball after a gap.
Glasgow Kelvin College Volleyball Club -
Glasgow Kelvin College started up a volleyball club on the 14th of January and we would like to invite staff and students alike to come along and get involved in this great sporting opportunity.