====== Groups and Interests in Glasgow ====== * See also [[Communities]] ====== Art ====== * See [[Art#Groups|Art: Groups]] ====== Book Groups ====== * See [[Reading#Book Groups|Reading: Book Groups]] ====== Business ====== * [[http://rookieoven.com/|RookieOven]] - //The RookieOven meetup is a monthly opportunity for the local startup community to get together in a relaxed environment. There are no talks, presentations or set agendas - just great conversations between Scottish startup founders, employees and enthusiasts.// * [[https://www.startupgrind.com/glasgow/|Startup Grind Glasgow]] * [[https://www.glasgowetsyteam.co.uk|Glasgow Etsy Team]] - //We are a location based team of over 2000 Etsy sellers based in Glasgow, Scotland and the surrounding areas. We offer friendly support, friendship and advice. // * See also [[Meetups#Business|Meetups: Business]] ====== Film ====== * See [[Film#Clubs|Film: Clubs]] ====== Games ====== * [[http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~jtod/go/|The Glasgow Go Club]] * See [[gaming|Video and Board Games]] ====== Geek ====== * See [[Geek]] ===== Movies ===== * See [[Film#Clubs|Film: Clubs]] ====== Music ====== * See [[Choirs]] or [[Singing]] ===== Organists ====== * [[http://lanarkshireorganists.co.uk/|The Lanarkshire Society of Organists]] * [[http://www.iao.org.uk/glasgow/|The Glasgow Society of Organists]] ====== Nature ====== * See also [[Parks_Gardens#Park Groups|Park Groups]] * [[https://www.wildwoodlandlearning.co.uk|Wild Woodland Learning]] - //W.I.L.D. is a community interest company that has been created out of our love of nature and the desire to share this passion with local communities. // * [[https://dnomd.com/|Discovering Nature On My Doorstep]] - //Engaging youth with nature in a modern, interesting and effective way// ====== Naturism ====== * See [[Naturism]] ====== Science ====== * See [[Science#Groups|Science: Groups]] ====== Technology ====== * See [[Tech]] ======= Theatre ====== * See [[Theatre]] ====== Social ====== * [[https://www.meetup.com/The-Glasgow-Geeks/|Glasgow Geek Social Meetup]] * [[https://bootsandbeards.co.uk/|Boots and Beards]] ====== Sport ======= * See [[Sport]] ====== Women ====== * See [[Women Groups]] ====== Other ====== * [[http://www.glasgowbeekeepers.org.uk/|Glasgow and District Beekeepers' Association]] - //Glasgow & District Beekeepers’ Association is a friendly group of mainly hobbyist beekeepers. Most people keep less than four colonies. Our membership is spread far and wide, from all over the Glasgow area but also from Largs, Helensburgh, Lanarkshire.// * [[https://www.newglasgowsociety.org/|New Glasgow Society]] - The New Glasgow Society (NGS) is a civic society promoting, protecting and raising interest in the City of Glasgow, through campaigning, discussion, projects, talks and exhibitions. * [[http://www.scottishcinemas.org.uk/|Scottish Cinemas and Theatres Project]] * [[http://citystrolls.com/|City Strolls: The Art Of Living In The City]] * [[http://wosars.co.uk/|West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society]] * [[https://www.electronclub.org/doku.php?id=groups:bridge_project|Bridge Project]] - //The Bridge website aims to do two things. One is to create information and networking capabilities useful to people in the community. The other is to create and encourage events where people can meet up to discuss and enjoy community life.// * [[https://www.electronclub.org/doku.php?id=groups:stein_alive|'Stein Alive]] - //A group reading Wittgenstein's 'Philosophical Investigations'.// * [[http://www.bridgetonburnsclub.org.uk|The Bridgeton Burns Club]] - //The Bridgeton Burns Club was Founded in 1870 and is Number 49 on the role of the Burns Federation.// * [[http://www.oldglasgowclub.org.uk/|Old Glasgow Club]] * [[http://www.southwestscotland-butterflies.org.uk/|Glasgow and SW Scotland Branch of Butterfly Conservation]] * [[http://www.ntsglasgow.org.uk/|Glasgow Members' Centre of the National Trust for Scotland]] - //The Centre was formed to stimulate interest in the National Trust for Scotland and to add value to membership of the Trust for those living around Glasgow. // * [[https://glasgowcamra.org.uk/|Campaign For Real Ale: Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch]] - //Campaign for Real Ale in Glasgow and most of the West of Scotland! CAMRA is the pub-goers champion, we promote fine beers in great pubs and defend the rights of the drinker.// * [[http://www.sikorskipolishclub.org.uk/|Sikorski Polish Club]] * [[http://www.gswra.org/|The Glasgow and South Western Railway Association]] * [[https://www.afglasgow.org.uk/|Alliance Française Glasgow]] - //The Official Centre for French language and culture// * [[https://www.gdpu.co.uk/|Glasgow District Photographic Union]] * [[https://www.alexanderthomsonsociety.org.uk/|The Alexander Thomson Society]] * [[https://toastmasterclub.org/portal.php?c=81|Glasgow Toastmasters]] - It is one of the greatest investments you can make in yourself. We are a friendly bunch from all walks of life who meet every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday of the month to practice public speaking and gain the skills to become a great leader! * [[https://commonweal.scot/local-groups/common-weal-glasgow|Common Weal Glasgow]] - //We meet once a fortnight to discuss Scottish politics - current and future forms an independent Scotland might take. We also plan and hold public events with a variety of speakers and aim to encouraging involvement in local and Scottish politics.// * [[http://www.scottishorchid.org/glasgow.html|The Scottish Orchid Society: Glasgow Branch]] - //The Society was originally formed in 1958 with the aim of promoting interest in the culture, conservation of orchids and the furtherance of scientific knowledge about them. The Society and its membership also endeavour to support conservation of our native orchids ensuring that we do nothing to undermine that aim.// * [[https://www.glasgow.bcss.org.uk/|The British Cactus & Succulent Society: Glasgow Branch]] - //Discover the beauty of cacti and other succulents with the BCSS! Whether you are an expert grower or a novice – or are just thinking of starting up the hobby – the Society will guide you all the way.// * [[http://www.glasgowrichmondmbc.co.uk/|Glasgow Richmond Model Boat Club]] - //Glasgow Richmond is regarded as one of the premier clubs in Scotland, engaged in promoting model boating in all it's forms.// ===== Defunct ===== * [[https://gssms.wordpress.com/|Glasgow South Ship Modeller's Society]] - //We are an old and well established model boat club that meets and sails on the pond within Queens Park, Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow. // * [[http://sherlockscotland.blogspot.com/|The Self Important Scotland Yarders: The Sherlock Holmes Society of Scotland]] - //A group of passionate yet light-hearted followers of the Great Detective, pledged to promote the sacred texts and have a laugh, whilst skirting dangerously close to pomposity.//