^Date^Time^Desc^Location^ |2022-03-16|18:30|[[sci-fi_bookgroup|Sci-fi Bookgroup]]|[[https://www.bonaccordpub.com/|Bon Accord]]| |2022-03-28|19:30|[[https://www.meetup.com/The-Glasgow-Geeks/events/281651397/|Spontaneous Potter: The Unofficial Improvised Parody]]|[[https://www.thestand.co.uk/glasgow/|The Stand]]| |Last Friday of the month|18:00|[[glasgow_geek_social|Geek meetup]]|[[https://www.bonaccordpub.com/|Bon Accord]]| |First Friday of the month|18:00|[[tech_meetup|Tech meetup]]|[[https://www.bonaccordpub.com/|Bon Accord]]| |Every Thursday|19:30|[[poker/bon_accord|Poker]]|[[https://www.bonaccordpub.com/|Bon Accord]]| |Every Tuesday|19:00|Board Game Night|[[https://www.nicholsonspubs.co.uk/restaurants/scotlandandnorthernireland/thecurlersrestglasgow|Curlers Rest]]| Edit the table above to add or remove events. Leave the table as the first thing on this page so the calendar code can extract it properly. Make sure you stick to the following row format (location is optional): |DATE|TIME|Description|Location| You can add links in the description/location using ''URL|Text'' in square brackets for example: [[https://glasgow.social|Glasgow Social]] or [[https://www.bonaccordpub.com/|Bon Accord]] You can use this link to test any changes you've made (you should see a 'SUCCESS' message, and a list of events):\\ https://wiki.glasgow.social/dev/cal/test.php Link to the ICS/Calendar file: **https://wiki.glasgow.social/dev/cal/** You can add this to an iOS Calendar by choosing Settings -> Calendar -> Accounts -> Add Account -> Other -> Add Subscribed Calendar